The first big step of Barack Obama's administration, and quite possibly its defining achievement, will be abandoning America's military involvement...
The William A. Rusher Centennial Project aims to produce substantive intellectual media that, rooted in Mr. Rusher’s work, pushes today’s conservative Movement to adopt a more coherent philosophy, a stronger coalition, and a more effective set of political and legal strategies.
The Road Ahead
This column is being written in advance of the elections on Tuesday, but there is no serious doubt among observers that the Democrats will win --...
Sizing Up Candidates
When all is said and done, every voter must decide which of two (it is usually two) candidates to vote for. For many people, it's easy: "Vote for...
Here Comes Big Government
It was probably inevitable. In small doses, it may even be desirable. Never mind that the economic crisis we face isn't nationwide, but worldwide,...
The Political Consequences of the Economic Crisis
In political terms, it doesn't really matter what caused the current economic crisis. Nor does it matter that it is worldwide. In a democracy, or at...
The Election Outcome
The elections are now less than a month away, and rational observers are pretty well agreed that the Democrats are going to win. The big question...
The First Debate
As I write this column, I’m waiting impatiently for the first debate between Mitt Romney and President Obama. More than 50 million Americans were...
Will the Democrats Win?
The Democrats did what everyone knew they had to do: nominate Barack Obama by acclamation on the first ballot of their convention in Denver. But...
Russia’s Move Into Georgia
I hope my six-decades-long reputation as a redoubtable Cold Warrior will protect me from the suspicion that "Rusher has gone soft on Moscow" if I...
America’s First Black President?
Almost without realizing it, America appears to be on the verge of electing its first black president. Political observers are in general agreement...
Bush’s Last Few Months
President Bush now has fewer than six months to serve, and the question arises as to what he ought to do with this remaining time. There are...
The Solution: Nuclear Power
Among the few absolute certainties confronting the human race is the growing need for energy. As the world's population approaches 7 billion, with...